

  ”The Dao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Dao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name.” This line from Laozi’s Dao De Jing expresses the idea that the “Dao” which can be articulated is not the unchanging, eternal “Dao” and the “name” that can be named is not the everlasting, immutable “name.” This is the concept that artist Zhang Jun wants to express through the series “Nameless”, which are not truly meant to be named in the traditional sense.


  “This series of works grows alongside my life, a process of constant contemplation, affirmation, and negation.”The“Nameless”series of works has accompanied artist Zhang Jun through countless days and nights, and Zhang Jun also greatly enjoys the process of creating this series.“Each piece of art poses questions to me, waiting for my answers.”


  Artist Zhang Jun faces each of his works as if he is facing his child. He said:“Every piece is alive, asking me who it is, where it comes from, and where it is going. I create with confusion and negate with answers, in a cycle that repeats. This is a meaningful journey for both the series and myself.”


  “Rather than saying that I created the series The Name That Can Be Named, it is more accurate to say that it has been constructed through the span of time and space specifically for me, Zhang Jun. When it is there, beginning from the blank canvas, I establish a connection with it, and the creation begins. We start to shape each other.”When asked about his thoughts on creating the series “The Named Can Be Named,” artist Zhang Jun responded as follows.


  “Throughout the entire creative process, it lies flat on the ground. I walk barefoot around the canvas, with energy converging under my feet from all directions, continuously releasing and absorbing. Sometimes, the soles of my feet touch the flowing paint. It effectively guides the placement of my brush strokes, a consensus we have reached. I also constantly adjust my breathing, trying to maintain a rhythm between us. Each completion is an experience of growth.”


  ”The continuous flow and hesitant pauses of the brushstrokes, the clamor and calmness within the colors, the soul wandering amidst the changes in light and shadow on the canvas,” artist Zhang Jun said, “It just stands there, conversing with me.”


